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Before Trucking

Modern trucking is incredible how it manages such a widespread network to deliver goods for people and businesses, but what was it like before this was established? In this article, we will discuss the transportation industry and what it looked like prior to the widespread use of trucking in America.

Prior to trucking, other modes of transport were popular such as railroads and classic horses. In early America in the early 1800’s, horse drawn wagons were the most common way of transporting goods around the country. Soon, waterways and canals gained much traction, especially in the Northeast. This use of water was also seen with the steamboat which transported people and cargo long major rivers such as the Mississippi River.

The railroads in the mid 1800’s would revolutionize transportation and was primarily responsible for the development of major cities around the nation. It was common for railroads to deliver cargo, and then horses would drag it the rest of the way from the cities. Though with the automobile and airplane in the 1900s, this era of transportation would fade away, paving the road for the modern trucking industry we know and enjoy today!

We hope you found this historical information on the transportation industry before trucking interesting and gave you more insight into the world of transportation! At CB Radio Supply, we are here for all your radio needs and offer a wide range of customer service! Our free domestic US shipping and hassle-free returns is our guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your choices. Give us a call to speak with our expert staff today!

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