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CB Radio Etiquette – The Proper Way to Communicate

CB Radio Etiquette – The Proper Way to Communicate

Whether you’re speaking face-to-face, on the phone, or via text message, there is a certain etiquette in the way you communicate. You want to be clear, keep your sentences short & simple, and avoid using caustic or threatening language. Implementing these steps allows for calm and reasonable conversations.

What applies in those situations is also in affect when communicating through the Citizens Band. And, because you are sharing channels with other CB users, you must be even more careful. If you break into other people’s conversations or decide to use your radio to rant and rave, those you want to reach may not get back to you. In uncomfortable or scary situations, your actions could be reported to legal authorities.

Before You Speak

Before your first transmission you want to make sure people will be able to hear you. So, use the talk back function on your CB radio to ensure your voice is clear. If not, you need to adjust the RF or Mic gain to reduce the amount of noise in your transmission and the surrounding environment. This helps to get your voice heard the first time.

Four Rules of Communication

There are four simple rules to abide by when talking over the CB.

  1. Speak clear and a little slower than normal. There’s no need to shout as the microphone amplifies your voice.
  2. Keep the message as simple as possible. Your intended listeners might not know all the CB lingo you do.
  3. Keep your message short and to the point.
  4. Don’t send any confidential information over a channel. Remember, this is Citizens Band radio; therefore, you don’t have exclusive use of the frequency.

Don’t Own Channels or Step On Others

In addition to the rules above, there are other standards you should follow.

  • Do not hold a channel for more than a few minutes. FCC regulations allow others to use it as well.
  • Try not to “step on” other callers. In other words, don’t transmit the same time as another operator. Let them respond first before you do.
  • If someone breaks into your conversation, ask them to repeat what they said to determine if you need to give the channel over to them.

In the end, use your best judgement when communicating over CB. Not only will you be respected but you’ll also receive the intended responses.

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