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Changing Radios and SWR

While changing your antenna system will have an effect on SWR, changing your radio will not. No matter the make or model of your new CB radio, switching between two transmitters should not be an issue as long as the equipment is working properly. This is because the radio is actually just a power source and the antenna SWR is merely a reading of the resistance between the radio and the antenna. The object of tuning the antennas for the best SWR is to reduce the resistance in the system allowing for better performance.

Accordingly, as long as the radio has the ability to deliver the same amount of power and your antenna set up is the same, you will be able to achieve the same SWR as before. Your ideal SWR ratio is 1:1 indicating that your antenna system is performing at its best. However anything below 1.5 is fine and seldom will you get a 1.1.

While there are definitely exceptions to the general rule of thumb, your SWR should stay the same.. If it does not, grab your SWR meter and start testing.

Check out our collection of CB radios and antenna set up options on our website!

Looking for more tips and tricks for your CB radio set up? Check out our other blogs and give us a call and our knowledgeable staff at CB Radio Supply will be at your service!

Remember when you call us you get a real live CB Tech not a computer or some guy who has never worked on a radio or an antenna system. We are a full time shop!!!!!!

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