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The History of Radio Waves & Interesting Facts

Five Interesting Facts About Radio Waves


You know your CB Radios utilizes radio waves to send and receive transmissions through an antenna hooked through the transceiver. What you might not know is who discovered radio waves. Or, what type of wave it is. Or, what they can go through and what stops them.

Although some of you might not care, others are curious about this science. Overall, if radio waves were never discovered then the world would be a much different place. So, to quell your curiosity, here are five interesting facts about radio waves.

  1. People became aware of radio waves in the late 1800s. James Clerk Maxwell first predicted their existence in the 1860s. Heinrich Hertz demonstrated them in 1887. And Guglielmo Marconi invented the first useable radio transmitter in the 1890s.
  2. Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Contrary to popular belief, they are not sound waves.

They are sent and received through a number of frequencies. For instance, the frequency of Citizen Band radio is between 26 and 27 MHz. Despite their versatility, radio waves have lower frequencies than those of microwaves.

  1. Their signals are bounced through the atmosphere. Actually, radio waves are shot straight into a part of the atmosphere called the ionosphere. There, they bounce off clouds and satellites toward their destinations. If the ionosphere is charged – during a lightning storm or hot day – a radio wave’s reach is shorter.
  2. Radio waves bounce forever if not absorbed. As long as it hits the ground, cloud, or electric conducting surface, a radio wave will continue to bounce until it reaches its destination.
  3. Radio waves can travel forever. These waves move at the speed of light. So, if there are no obstructions to bounce off of, it will keep moving. Thus, the reason why some scientists and astronomers predict radio waves created years or decades ago can reach a destination outside of our solar system, let alone our galaxy.

To learn more about radio waves and how they work with CB antennas, speak to one of our CB Radio Supply specialists.

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