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Installing A CB Radio Antenna on Your Pickup Truck

Installing A CB Antenna on Your Pickup Truck

Where a CB antenna goes on your pickup truck depends on what you use the rig for. If it’s simply for listening, the antenna can go anywhere you want. However, it is pretty rare for a customer to set up a CB Radio for only listening only. You will want to tune it for maximum performance with a SWR meter. Remember transmitting and listening can cause damage to a CB Radio if the antenna isn’t properly set to an SWR reading of 1.5 or less. If you need help on tuning your antenna check out our Blog entitled The SWR Meter and the Proper Way to Tune Your CB Antenna

CB Radio Transmit Signals

CB Radio Antennas radiate electromagnetic fields that release energy into space. Thus, your antenna won’t function properly if it’s installed in an area that doesn’t allow the signal to release (or get out) and even worse reflect back into itself..

Avoid Short CB Radio Antennas

Some pickup drivers select a short antenna so they can pass through low-clearance areas like garages. However, because it’s too short, the energy that’s released reflects back into the CB Radio Antenna, thus limiting the signal’s range and potentially damaging the CB Radio. In addition, when you try to tune the Antenna, there’s a chance it won’t reach the required 1.5 or less SWR reading..

Finding the Proper Solution

To achieve an antenna setup with equal transmit and receiving power, follow these guidelines:

  • Choose an antenna tall enough to have free space with no parallel surfaces within its field of radiation. A minimum of one feet in height is sufficient.
  • Make sure the mount is grounded to the truck’s chassis.
  • Consider a quick disconnect like a Hustler QD-2 for quick removal when you need to enter a garage or any low profile structure.
  • Adjust the antenna with an SWR meter or a radio with an included SWR meter like the Uniden PC78LTX. The antenna must be at an SWR of at least 1.5 or less
  • Avoid Center loaded antennas Like Wilson 2000, or Predator Antennas, Instead choose a good top loaded antenna like Skipshooter Fiberglass Antennas.
  • A Good Magnet Mount like a Wilson 1000 will achieve great results also.

Do you need assistance in choosing the right antenna for your pick-up truck? Contact one of our CB Radio Supply specialists. They can help you find the right one for your needs.


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