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Listening to the Weather Service

If your country is covered by a National Weather Radio (NWR) station, keeping up with it can be incredibly beneficial to stay aware of weather updates in your area, especially hurricanes and storms! Unfortunately there are many reception issues that are associated with these stations, so in this article we will outline some solutions if you have trouble receiving signals from the NWR. 

NWR reception has around a 40 mile radius from the transmitter, however many environmental elements can help or hinder this. Salt water bodies tend to increase range greatly while forests, deserts, and hills can reduce reception. If living in a city, especially a large one, concrete and steel can hinder signal as well, though if you are high enough this can be offset.  

If you have a window that faces the direction of the station, make sure it is away from other electrical equipments and ideally in a high area. Some models even have an option to attach an external antenna, which can be moved to the roof. This will create the most advantageous point to recieve signal from the NWR to stay updated with the weather in the area!  

We hope you found this information helpful in how to stay connected with the weather service. At CB Radio Supply, we are here for all your radio needs and offer a wide range of customer service! Our free domestic US shipping and hassle-free returns is our guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your choices. Give us a call to speak with our expert staff today!  

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