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The 10 Codes for CB Radios

Whether you’re a CB enthusiast or an enjoyer of police televison you’ve likely heard the “10” codes. These are used to represent common phrases, commonly utilized by law enforcement and CB radio transmissions. It was developed between 1937-1940 and later in 1974 was expanded by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-Internation (APCO). While it was used by police in America during this time, it was eventually discontinued by the federal government in 2006 due to a lack of standardization. It was later replaced by what is called the APCO Project 14 Aural Brevity Code, which is a standarized version of the “10” codes. In this article, we’ll cover a few of the 10 codes to keep in mind when you are on your CB radio journey!  

10-1: Received poorly 

10-2: Recieved well  

10-3: Stop transmitting 

10-4: Message recieved  

10-5: Relay this message  

10-6: Currently busy/stand by 

10-7: Out of service 

10-8: In service 

10-9: Repeat the message 

10-10: Trasmission is complete 

10-11: You’re talking to fast/slow down  

10-12: Visitor present/is here 

10-13: Asking for a weather/road report 

10-16: Make a pick up at… 

10-17: Urgent business  

We hope you found this information helpful in guiding you on your CB journey. At CB Radio Supply, we are here for all your radio needs and offer a wide range of customer service! Our free domestic US shipping and hassle-free returns is our guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your choices. Give us a call to speak with our expert staff today!  

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