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The Brazil Trucking Strike [Part Two]

Previously, we discussed the build up towards the 2018 Brazilian trucker strike. Driven primarily by soaring gas prices, truckers were looking for tax breaks from the government. With no response, the strike would begin in May. In this second part, we will continue discussing the impact of the 2018 Brazil trucking strike.

Within just a couple days since the strike began, calls from airports began coming in about how they didn’t have fuel to run. Similarly, supermarkets and gas stations began to suffer as well. With supply now limited, prices soared for everyone. During this time a bag of potatoes could cost as much as $140. 

With everyone affected by the strike, the government went back and forth between negotiations and sending fines to transportation companies. After about a week, they agreed to lower prices on diesel and instead raise taxes on exports as well as cut funds towards government programs. In total, Brazil lost around $5.6 billion in economic production over five days. Every industry was in disarray during this period, demonstrating just how critical trucking is to making sure everything can run properly. 

We hope you found this history on the Brazil trucking strike interesting and insightful towards just how important trucking is! At CB Radio Supply, we are here for all your radio needs and offer a wide range of customer service! Our free domestic US shipping and hassle-free returns is our guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your choices. Give us a call to speak with our expert staff today!

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