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Traveling the Longest Interstates with your CB Radio

Traveling the Longest Interstates with your CB Radio


America is big! Though you may live here all your life, you might not get a chance to see all of it. Unless you’re a long-haul trucker, traveling salesperson, or a digital nomad who wants to cross the country on either axis.

Communication is key

No matter the case, communication is key on the long journeys through cities, mountains, forests, and emptiness. While cell phones are great for this, CB radios are much better. Even when amid the glass canyons of the city or the rock canyons of mountain passes, CB signals reach further than those of smart devices – no matter who the carrier is.

And this is important if trekking across the longest interstates in the country. They may be the fastest way to get from one place to another, but some of those highway strips are filled with monotony.

Here are some of the longest Interstates you may wish to travel or completely avoid.


Some would consider Interstate 80 from San Francisco to Teaneck, NJ to be the longest. However, it’s in second place to I-90. Where I-80 runs for 2900 miles, it’s northern cousin crosses the full 3000 miles of the continental U.S.

Starting in Seattle, Washington, the interstate hugs the northern part of the country. Along the way it passes through Wyoming, Minnesota, Chicago, IL, and Cleveland, Ohio.


This might be a regional thing, but some may feel the I-5 from San Diego to Blaine, Washington is the longest North-South Interstate. At 1,361 miles, it certainly seems like it.

However, at 1,908 miles, the winner is Interstate 95. Actually, it wins in some other areas. For example, it passes through the most states, 15, and is the major thoroughfare on the East Coast. This includes the megalopolis that runs from Washington D.C. into New York City.


Where I-90 crosses the northernmost states, I-10 hits the lower 48. Starting in Los Angeles it weaves its way through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama. It’s makes its stop in Jacksonville, FL. Overall, you start and end with palm trees and sunshine.

Looking to learn more about CB radios on interstate trips. Contact our staff at CB Radio Supply to find the right one for you.

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